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The WORST Foods and Drinks For Your Oral Health

Dr. Andrew Tomes, DMD

Sugary and Acidic Foods / Drinks are the Absolute WORST

The types of foods and drinks we should all try to limit consumption of are those that are acidic and foods that are high in sugar content.  Acidic foods directly affect our teeth by dissolving our enamel.  Foods containing a high sugar content feed the pathogenic bacteria in our mouth.  These bacteria consume sugar (and other carbohydrates) and release an acidic byproduct which causes decay.

Are diet / low calorie drinks better for your oral health?

NO! While these drinks may contain less sugar, many of them are still extremely acidic.  The acidic nature of these drinks have a direct negative impact on your oral health.

Examples of Foods / Drinks That Are Damaging To Our Oral Health

Sodas, Juice, and Sports Drinks

Sodas, juice and sports drinks tend to be both extremely acidic and contain high sugar content.

Candy and Sugary Snacks

The worst kind of candy is gummy candy.  Gummy candies tend to get caught between our teeth prolonging their time in our oral cavity and amplifying their negative effects.

Starchy Snacks

Examples of these items include:

- Potato Chips

- White Bread


These foods contain refined carbs.  These carbs are broken down by the pathogenic bacteria in our oral cavity.  These foods also tend to get stuck between our teeth. This prolongs their time in our oral cavity and amplifies their negative effects.

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